A Watched Pot Never Boils…

We’ve arrived in Indiana where the Birth Mother is currently 1cm dilated.  While that didn’t sound like any rush to arrive to cornfield “nothing to do” Indiana, the baby is indeed fully dropped and we have been advised that 1cm can turn to 10cm very quickly.  So here we are….waiting for the pot to boil, which everyone knows a watched pot never does boil… Continue reading

My Daughters Name is “hush hush”

Being pregnant is so quickly compared to the process of adoption.  While similar to a certain degree in regards to the anticipation of a wee ones arrival, it is still so different.  My sister is pregnant and so easily words of confidence that her child will be here, flow from her so easily.  “when she arrives”, “I think I will buy her this”, etc.  Such fortitude that her child will be here soon and all will be well.  Sure, anything can happen.  Nonetheless, more likely than not, everything will work out as expected. My confidence is a bit more…feigning.  Continue reading

Gay Parenting

My father asked me how I…being a male…a gay male…was actually going to be able to raise a child with my partner.  Ignorance makes me laugh out loud (quite literally) and that was how I began my response.  I ended it simply by saying “I can assure you that our child/children will be much more confident and secure than I was in my own childhood”. Of course, how can he have argued that?  I find that ignorant people tend to not pick up a book, newspaper, read a study, and find an educated answer on anything they “believe in”.  They simply hear or see what they wish.  Nevertheless…facts are facts.   Continue reading