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9 Month Old Reagan…

My Little Love,

You’re at the three-quarter mark of your first year in this world.  The 9th month of your beautiful life and every day has been amazing to your Daddy and Papa.  Our experience with you has been unique, wondrous, and filled with awe.  We have enjoyed each day, each hour, and each second of your life as you have grown over these last 9 months and we are amazed at the little person that you are becoming.  While I have cheered loudly as you hit your milestones, I have been in no rush whatsoever for you to get to the next.  You have changed each and every day, and although I shouldn’t be, I’m already sad to say goodbye to the baby that you were.  No, I don’t miss teething or the sleepless nights, but I know that as you get older, you’ll want less and less to do with my two arms around your little body.

Boy oh boy, did you start crawling early!  What a game-changer that was for Daddy and Papa!  And you are FAST!  You wasted no time either.  The second you were awarded more room in our new home, you decided it was the perfect time to investigate the new digs.  Way to go my strong little one.  Your now picking yourself up and standing and have already begun slowly moving from toy to toy…our brave brave girl!  Please just stop trying to climb the steps!  Your making me a nervous wreck 😉

Your so smart too.  You can roll a ball back and forth to us.  You understand “no” even though you don’t like it 99.9% of the time.  You wave and point and babble.  You play so nicely by yourself with your toys for extended periods of time.  You eat your vegetables, meats and fruits as if they are going out of style.  You love your schedule and your routine.  Reagan, what a personality you have as well!  You are always smiling and giggling!  Always!  You have won the hearts of those around you, both young and old.  Whether we are in the grocery store, at Dunkin Donuts, at Gymboree, at your Play Group, or at Papa’s office…everyone knows your name sweetheart and you smile widely for them in return.  You are one gregarious wee-one (with long eye lashes, auburn hair, and green/blue eyes to boot).

Being adopted means that we made a conscious decision to have you in our lives and we went through many challenges to make it happen. When we finally brought you home, it was the happiest day of our lives! In other words – we both love you more than words could ever express and nothing will ever change that. We want you to always remember that we are very proud of you.

All parents have hopes and dreams for their children and we are certainly no exception. More than anything, we want you to have a happy life. Parents always hope that their children will be able to avoid the mistakes that they made.  The biggest question really is – what makes a happy life? From my perspective, the most important ingredient is to have dreams and goals and to never give up on them. Never frown upon despair Reagan.  The other very important aspect of happiness is caring for others. That sounds simple and obvious, but it is not always so easy. We all experience times in our lives when we feel alone – no family or friends to give us comfort or simply companionship. However, if you make a conscious effort to comfort, support and spend time with others in need, then you will never be alone.

We are already so proud of you and I know that shall continue throughout your years to come….not matter what they look like and what you choose to make of the beautiful life you shall lead.  Because Reagan, you have grace and humor in that soul of yours.  We saw it the moment you entered the world and we see it all these months later.  Thank you for making Daddy and Papa’s last 9 months the best, happiest and most rewarding time of our long life.  I look forward to watching you grow and blossom into a toddler, teenager and a full-fledged adult.  But no rush, ok?  You’re amazing my little girl and I love you with all my heart.


9 months


9 months


2 thoughts on “9 Month Old Reagan…

  1. Hey there handsome – so great to read your wonderful up-dates of Reagan and her daddy & papa!!!! I’m hoping that you are saving all your writings to give to her when she is all grown up. WHAT A TREASURE THEY ARE!!!! May God Bless you and your wonderful family for many years to come with good health and happiness!!!!! all my love, Aunt “Vanessa”

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